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The "vngen_label_replace" Function


vngen_label_replace(id, label, font, color, duration, [ease], [lang]);
idreal/stringThe ID of the label to replace
labelstring/macroThe text string to display as a label (or keyword auto for speaker names)
fontfont/macroThe font to draw text in, where fnt_default is default (or keyword previous for no change, or keyword inherit for saved style)
colorcolor/macroThe color to draw text in, where c_white is default (or keyword previous for no change, or keyword inherit for saved style)
durationrealSets the duration of the fade transition, in seconds
[ease]integer/macroOptional: Sets the ease mode to perform the transition in
[lang]real/stringOptional: Sets the language flag for the label


Replaces the input entity ID with a new string of text and fades the old label to the new one over the input duration.

As with other types of modifications, replacements made with this script are permanent and will persist until another replacement is performed. This script cannot be performed simultaneously with other replacement actions operating on the same entity ID.

See Macros & Keywords for a list of available style modes and ease modes.


vngen_event() {
vngen_label_replace("label", auto, previous, inherit, 3);
vngen_label_replace("label", "Jane Doe", fnt_Arial, c_white, 3, "en-US");