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The "sys_deform_init" Function


sys_deform_init(entity, index, def, duration, loop, reverse, ease);
entityintegerThe data structure of the entity to be animated
indexintegerThe index of the row containing the target entity
defscriptThe deformation script to be performed
durationrealSets the duration of the entire deformation, in seconds
loopbooleanEnables or disables endlessly looping the deformation
reversebooleanEnables or disables reversing the deformation
easeinteger/macroSets the deformation easing override


Initializes a given scripted deformation for the input entity which can be performed with sys_deform_perform.

As this script is run automatically by any deformation scripts tailored to specific entity types, it is almost never necessary to run sys_deform_init manually.

See Animations for a list of included deformation scripts and how to make your own.